Michael Leonidovich Tetus

Michael Leonidovich Tetus

Днепр, Днепропетровская обл.

О специалисте

Tetus Michael Leonidovich
Personal Information:
Date of Birth:  the 18th of June 1986
Place of Birth: Dnipropetrovsk city

Education:  2006 graduated from Chernigov medical school;
worked as a medical assistant (фельдшер) for 9 month;
2007 entered Nizhin Gogol State University.
Speciality:  the teacher of English, German and world literature;
2010 got the degree of bachelor,
2012 got the degree of master.
From 30.07.2012 to 01.06.2013 worked as a teacher of English in kindergarten.
Languages Skills: Fluent English (written and spoken), German.
Skills:  Driving license B,C , knowledge of languages and computer software, massage, boxing, reanimation.
Interests: medicine, languages, boxing, physics, global politics, learning technologies, poetry …

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